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Experimental supercritical CO2 extractor
Experimental supercritical CO2 extractor
Supercritical Fluid Equipment
Experimental supercritical CO2 extractor

CO2 special metering pump: patented cryogenic pump head and packing, unique sealing design to ensure no leakage.

The quick-opening structure of the extraction kettle: the CO2 gas can be used to open the extraction kettle, the sealing material is not swollen, and can be reused, saving the refueling time and improving the utilization rate of the equipment.

An auxiliary agent inlet is provided, and different adjuvants are added. The dryer and the purifier can be used to completely separate the extracted material from the CO2.

Chromatographic analysis and configuration of temperature, pressure, flow, and other data acquisition systems can be added as needed.

A third separation vessel that can be heated or cooled can be configured to increase the versatility of the extraction separation.

With CO2 recovery function, improve gas utilization rate, all heating and cooling components are equipped with insulation measures to achieve energy saving and environmental protection.

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